Sunday 15 July 2012

Week 29: 5 pieces of advice you would give to an NQT

Enjoy it
A 40-odd year career in teaching will eventually sound like a frightening prospect. That's why it's so important to make sure you always enjoy what you are doing. This starts on day one. Do your best and love every minute. Teaching is the most varied, rewarding and exciting job in the world.

Don't expect to get everything right first time
You'll get things wrong in your NQT year (mind you, you'll get things wrong in every year that you teach!) No one is expecting you to get the routines right straightaway. Not every lesson can be perfect. Do your best and everyone you come into contact with will be impressed.

Get to know everyone
It's important to build good relationships with your colleagues. But it's important to get to know the pupils, the parents, the support staff - in fact anyone in school. Look after them and they'll look after you!

Be firm
Stick to your guns (not literally) with pupils and parents regarding discipline issues. You are the teacher. They might be under the impression that you are new and so you don't deserve all of their respect. You do.

Have a life
Teaching will take over your life if you let it. Don't feel guilty about having an evening off. Enjoy your weekends!

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