Sunday 7 August 2011

Habits of Mind and Leading

The Leadership Daily blog wrote about the habits of mind that leaders should demonstrate. You can read the post here

The post is about developing habits of mind - getting your mind into habits that will demonstrate good leadership. The write shares six good habits. Here's how they could apply in school leadership:

Modelling: If we want others to achieve we need to model what we expect in terms of behaviour, attitude and the approach to the way we work.

Coaching: We should encourage others to think through what they are trying to do. Raise questions to help others arrive at the answers rather than telling others what to do.

Scaffolding: Provide the opportunity for members of staff to experiment and try new things. Give them the chance to explore and perform well.

Articulation: Explain what you are thinking and why you are considering making change so that colleagues, parents and pupils appreciate the process.

Reflection: Reflect on all aspects of your leadership role. What went well and why? What didn't go well and how could we do it differently?

Exploration: Model risk taking so that others can see that there are rewards for taking a  risk and trying something different.

Do leaders have any other habits of mind?

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